The Power of Manifestation

7 Law of Attraction Affirmations for each day of the week
“l am ready and gratetul to have an incredible week filled with
prosperity, happiness, love, opportunities, and advancement.”
“I deserve, I attract, and I receive now the things, experiences,
and events that are the most optimum, and beneficial for me.”
“I earn money with happiness, joy, and ease, I bring more and
more goodness into this world by doing what I'm paid for.”
“I love myself , I love my friends, I love my family, I love God,
I love everyone and everything.”
“I choose to become a better person, a better friend, a better
partner, a better father/mother, a better human being.”
“I am focused on loving and honouring myself.
I realize I am a divine being of infinite potential.”
“I feel the guidance, the support, and the love of God, I go higher with ease because I am connected to The Source of All Things.”